



Difference between Logical Page an Physical Page in SSRS.

 Logical page breaks are page breaks that you insert before or after report items or groups. Page breaks help to determine how the content is fitted to a report page for optimal viewing when rendering or exporting the report.

The following rules apply when rendering logical page breaks:
 • Logical page breaks are ignored for report items that are constantly hidden and for report items where the visibility is controlled by clicking another report item.
 • Logical page breaks are applied on conditionally visible items if they are currently visible at the time the report is rendered.
 • Space is preserved between the report item with the logical page break and its peer report items.
 • Logical page breaks that are inserted before a report item push the report item down to the next page. The report item is rendered at the top of the next page.
 • Logical page breaks defined on items in table or matrix cells are not kept. This does not apply to items in lists.