Recently I was trying to find out how someone had access to a
particular database in SQL Server. When I looked at the list of users at
the database level, I didn't find any that matched up either with the
user's Windows account or with any of the Windows groups the user
belonged to. I included nested groups in Active Directory when checking
this out. I found out later that there was a tie, however, the login at
the server level did not match the user at the database level. I didn't
realize this was permitted. How can I check for this in the future?
Each login to SQL Server has a unique identifer, think like a primary
key, to identify that login from every other login. This is true
whether the login is a SQL Server-based login, a Windows user, or a
Windows group. That unique identifier is called the SID, which is short
for security identifier. In the case of a SQL Server-based login, the
SID is generated by SQL Server. For Windows users and groups, the SID
matches the SID in Active Directory.
When a login is mapped into a database, the SID is used to tie
together the login and the user. Since it is the SID thats important, so
far as SQL Server is concerned, the name for the login can be different
from the name for the user. Generally speaking, it is better to keep
them the same. If they are different, then you can have the same sort of
confusion you just experienced, and when it comes to security, that's
bad. So it would have to be a special case for me to consider having a
database user tied to a server login with different names.
With that said, you can certainly see this in practice if you have a
test SQL Server. The first thing to do is to create the login at the
server level. Run the appropriate code snippet based on your version of
SQL Server:
-- SQL Server 2005+CREATE LOGIN [NotTheSame] WITH PASSWORD = 'SomeStr1ctP4ssw0rd!';GO-- SQL Server 2000EXEC sp_addlogin @loginame = 'NotTheSame', @passwd = 'SomeStr1ctP4ssw0rd!';GO
Then select a test database and create the user. Again, choose the appropriate code snippet based on your version of SQL Server:
-- SQL Server 2005+CREATE USER [ADifferentName] FROM LOGIN [NotTheSame];GO-- SQL Server 2000EXEC sp_grantdbaccess @loginame = 'NotTheSame', @name_in_db = 'ADifferentName';GO
If we run a query where we join the appropriate catalog views or tables together based on SID, we should see the connection:
-- SQL Server 2005+SELECT d.[name] AS 'DB User', d.sid AS 'DB SID',s.[name] AS 'Login', s.sid AS 'Server SID'FROM sys.database_principals dJOIN sys.server_principals sON d.sid = s.sidWHERE d.[name] = 'ADifferentName';-- SQL Server 2000SELECT d.[name] AS 'DB User', d.sid AS 'DB SID',s.[name] AS 'Login', s.sid AS 'Server SID'FROM sysusers dJOIN master..syslogins sON d.sid = s.sidWHERE d.[name] = 'ADifferentName';GO
For instance, here's the result. Note that the SID for the user and the SID for the login are the same.
Searching for the General Case
When you have an issue finding a mapping for a given database, a
simple query can return the cases where the names are mismatched. The
following queries should always return at least one row because of the
dbo user. It maps to the owner of the database and naturally this won't
be "dbo" as the name.
-- SQL Server 2005+SELECT d.[name] AS 'DB User', s.[name] AS 'Login', s.sid AS 'SID'FROM sys.database_principals dJOIN sys.server_principals sON d.sid = s.sidWHERE d.[name] <> s.[name];-- SQL Server 2000SELECT d.[name] AS 'DB User', s.[name] AS 'Login', s.sid AS 'SID'FROM sysusers dJOIN master..syslogins sON d.sid = s.sidWHERE d.[name] <> s.[name];GO
For instance, when I run it on the database where the user was just created, here are the results:
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