



Publish the database using SSDT


We've created our initial objects and our scripts. Now it's time to publish our database!


Applying our changes (or "publishing" them) is a very easy task. Before we do this, let's make sure we have an Output pane visible in our workspace. Choose VIEW->Output so this pane appears.
Show Output Pane
In the Solution Explorer, right click on the Futbol project and choose Publish.
Publish Database
The Publish Database dialog will appear. Here, you define your target SQL instance plus any advanced publishing behavior (via the Advanced button).
Publish Database Dialog
Let's enter the target SQL instance. Choosing Edit next to Target database connection brings up the Connection Properties screen. Here, I choose my target as my local instance (i.e. localhost) and click OK.
Connection Properties Dialog
Now let's first drill into the Advanced button in more detail. Clicking on it, we can see that we have a myriad of options available to us to control publish behavior.
Advanced Publish Settings
We can choose to have the database backed up before publish. Option Drop constraints not in source is checked by default which causes a drop of any constraints that exist in the target database but don't exist in our project. If we don't want that behavior, we would uncheck it. The options are many. Choose the defaults and click OK. You will be brought back to the Publish Database dialog. Click the Publish button and watch the Output pane.
Data Tools Operations Output
Congratulations... the database has been published! Looking at our SQL Server 2014 instance, we can verify this:
SSMS Output
You may be thinking to yourself, "I like that I can tailor my publishing options but I don't want to enter these every time I want to publish my database!". I agree with you, it's a nuisance. Fortunately, you can save your publish settings and refer to them every time you want to publish. We'll examine this in a bit.

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